Friday, April 02, 2010

Fish and Chips in Portsmouth

After a crazy start to the year both at work and home, we finally set off on Saturday morning for a short break to the Isle of Wight.  We drove down from Dartford to Portsmouth where we had lunch while we waited for the ferry to the island.

While Stephen struggled to find money for the parking machine, I rushed off like a concerned, considerate wife to try and get a decent photo of The Spinnaker Tower.

The Spinnaker Tower

I loved the nautical theme that you could see everywhere in Portsmouth.  Everything is sail or mast-shaped.

Portsmouth 2

This was Stephen’s first time on a ferry so he was pretty excited but apprehensive too; ferry rides generally go one of two ways – really good or really bad!

Portsmouth 3

We decided to go to the Abar Bistro for lunch.  My first impression on entering the restaurant was that it smelled great!  It is difficult to describe but it smelled like a really old home kitchen.

Portsmouth 5

We had scallops and a Camembert parcel for starters and then Stephen ordered a lemon sole for his main course.  I had a good idea of how huge sole are in this country so I opted for the fish and chips instead.  This was without a doubt the best fish and chips I have ever had.  They served up some home made tartar sauce that was “adorable” (the first word that came to my mind, honest) and everything including the batter, the fresh fish, the pea puree and the chips was divine.  Yum. 

Portsmouth 4 

The atmosphere in the restaurant was also lovely as they played vocal jazz music. It was great and at a total of £38, well worth the visit!

We made sure that we were waiting in our car in the line to get on the ferry a full thirty minutes before departure time as instructed.  I had expected a bit of chaos and bother getting on but it was really smooth and easy.

Portsmouth 6

We went up in the one of the lounges and were lucky enough to get a seat right at the front.  It is only a short trip of less than an hour but I couldn’t help falling asleep.  Looks like we had a good ferry journey!



  1. If you get good fish and chips, then it is hard to beat. So often now it does not come up to expectations, but you seem to have got lucky; good one.

  2. On a really clear day you can see the Spinnaker Tower from Saint Catherine's Down at the southern tip of the Isle of Wight. I'm looking forward to hearing what you got up to on the Island :-)

  3. I think food and drink always taste best on the beach or, even better, at sea. The appetite is whetted and the seascapes are terrific. You didn't say where you were going, but your meessage from John about the Isle of Wight seems right. What a super place that is. I envy you both!

  4. lovely outing eh? :-)
    yum...! the food looks scrumptitious!

  5. What a beautiful spot this is. Lovely scenery and even the light poles! Indeed, food always tastes scrumptious when you are at the beach.

  6. You made me very hungry with the fish, chips, and mushy peas!

  7. That fish looks good, and those fries look wonderful. Not so sure about the pea puree though. What a lovely outing you had!

  8. Yum! I want that fish and chips! I love food photos.

  9. A wonderful ferry trip and yum food! I like the photo your lunch. The sole and chips look great! I am hungry now...hahaha~~

  10. I returned home from work on Good Friday (triple time) to find fish and chips waiting for me. Lovely. Many people describe British food as being bland but you really can't beat a good plate of fish and chips. Mega tasty.

  11. You are making me hungry, Emm :) Have a happy Easter!

  12. I always wanted to ride a ferry. I don't really like being on the water, but riding on a ferry or a river boat seems different to me. The scenery from there must be beautiful.

  13. Fish and Chips are a "guilty pleasure" of mine! Love them! Looks like you had a great trip!

  14. I just ate, and still that plate of fish and chips looks delectable. For such an eery looking day, I'm glad you had a good time. The ferry wasn't rocking at all?

  15. I love Fish and Chips, I lost out on one franchise because of finances :(

  16. Those chips look AMAZING! Next time I'm in Portsmouth...

  17. @ John (I ♥ old cameras): I know! We have been super lucky - I have not had bad fish and chips since I've been back in the UK but my poor brother has!

    @ John (Daily Photo): Really???? I wish I had known that before - Saint Catherine's Down must be quite high up then! I'll have to go back - I would really like to see that.

    @ Hels: It was really lovely! I never thought about that, about food tasting better by the sea but you are probably right!

    @ Ash: heh! It was!

    @ Buggys: I agree - I loved the nautical theme everywhere.

    @ Kathy: Haha - "mushy" is not posh enough - they called it a "pea puree"!

    @ Jen: The pea puree had such a lovely pea taste! It was yummy.

    @ Missy: ha! I like food more than food photos!

    @ Ellen: It was a good day indeed!

    @ Martyn: I agree! Nothing bland about a steak and ale pie or a plowman's lunch either!

    @ Ivanhoe: Hope you had a good easter too!

    @ Ratty: I quite like boats and ferries actually. I'm usually okay on them. I've been on skippers on the Thames and the Hudson River and I liked them too. I would love to go on one of those steamers up the Mississippi one day!

    @ Jill C: It was lovely! I consider fish and chips to be among the more healthy of my favourtie fast foods.

    @ The Ancient Digger: No - it didn't rock at all thankfully. It was an eerie looking day, wasn't it? And then it was all sunshine when we got to Isle of Wight!

    @ Gauteng: Really? Franchises are a great idea - my friends Dad used to train people in how to run them.

    @ JaPRA: You have to visit that place - I think you would have liked its homely vibe.


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